Upgrades You Can Make to College Campus Amenities

Upgrades You Can Make to College Campus Amenities
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    One of the big draws of any college campus is the amenities it offers to its students. However, just because you provide these features and facilities doesn’t mean they’re at the best level of quality that you can provide. That’s why it’s important to consider some of these upgrades you can make to your college campus amenities. Making these changes ensures students get the best version of the things your school offers.


Advertise Them Better

The biggest problem with college amenities is that most students don’t even know they exist. They’ll likely know about the most popular ones, but not all amenities get to see the light of day. That’s why you need to advertise them better to your students.

Sending out emails tailored to each student’s preferences is the best way to do this. However, even something as simple as putting up signs or posters advertising certain services can be quite helpful. Signage around campus can help students succeed in many ways, but this is one of the most underutilized benefits.

Offer More Parking Options

Once more people know about the events or activities going on around campus, they will start going to them more often. However, that also means your current parking situation might not be able to cut the mustard. While some students are willing to walk to these events, not all of them will, especially on larger campuses. If parking lots fill up quickly, it might be time to upgrade them.

Building more parking garages will be the best option to pursue. This can easily double or triple the amount of parking without taking up any more space on your campus. Of course, building these structures can get expensive, but if you strategically spread them out, you’ll notice a significant improvement in your school’s current parking situation.

Provide a Variety of Choices

Students can use certain amenities for a variety of things. For example, an auditorium is perfect for plays and musicals put on by the students, but you can rent the space out to other interested parties as well. Bands, comedians, and other live performers would be more than happy to come to your school. Then, your students will have many more options for things to see on any given night.

Of course, this applies to all facilities you offer. Even something as simple as a common area could use a facelift. Most tend to be pretty empty, aside from some chairs and tables. You could include things like ping-pong tables or projectors that can play movies. The more amenities you offer, the more likely students will be to use them.

Update Your Facilities

Lastly, the final upgrades you can make for your college campus amenities are simple updates to things you already offer. If the seating options throughout campus are a bit outdated, it might be time to order some replacements. Something like a fresh coat of paint could do wonders if the walls look pretty old. You’d be surprised how much of a difference keeping everything up to date can make.

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Categories: College Living