Tag "resume"

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Career Planning

The Perfect Christmas Gift: Resume Makeover

Tweet If you’re still looking for the perfect gift to give to the college student in your life, might I recommend a resume makeover? This can come in handy for

Career Planning

Relaunch Your Stalled Out Career Aspirations!

Tweet New grads are setting out on launching their careers, but they’ll soon find themselves coming across another group of people – grads who left school in December or the

Career Planning

Now Hiring: Census Workers

College students who are looking for part time work may want to consider the U.S. Census Bureau. The pay is good, the job is temporary, and the work you do for the federal government can be included on your resume.

Career Planning

Job Prep: Preparing For Your First Job Interview

Tweet Yesterday, we talked about the steps to take to land a new job, but today we’re going to explore how you can prepare for an interview. If you are

Career Planning

7 Steps To Landing Your First Job

Tweet College seniors are busy finishing up their final year of studies, trying to complete important course work and getting the best grades possible. Next summer is expected to be

Career Planning

Job Prep: Write A Better Resume

Tweet If you are a college senior, before long you’ll be interviewing with companies in preparation to leave academia for the business world. Lots of your fellow students will be

Career Planning

Career Prep: Obtaining Strong References

Tweet This is one in an ongoing series of articles to help college seniors prepare themselves for their careers. Previously, we took a look at the components of building a

Career Planning

Career Prep: Crafting Your Cover Letter

Tweet This is one in an ongoing series of articles to help college seniors prepare themselves for their careers. The last time that we discussed career preparation, we took a

Career Planning

Career Prep: Building Your Resume

Tweet This is one in an ongoing series of articles to help college seniors prepare themselves for their careers. Time To Dust Off The Resume Now that your winter break