How Expensive Is Your College?


If you are in college or planning to attend college in the next year or two, then you are Moneyprobably aware just how expensive higher education has become. Even with scholarships, grant money, and savings factored in costs can far exceed your ability to cover this expense. Although your school may be pricey, how does it compare with the top charging colleges and universities across the US?

The following list, which was published by Forbes magazine nearly a year ago shows how much college is costing some families. The updated list is due out in a few weeks, but for now we know the following:

1. George Washington University — The DC school finished tops with tuition alone nearing $38,000 annually. I was surprised that GW was the most expensive, let alone in the top ten. I had each of the Ivies and private schools such as Amherst and Duke up there.

2. University of Richmond — Another surprise on the list, Richmond comes in just a shade below GW. However, with tuition increasing 84% in a 7-year period, it looks like a new number one will soon be recognized.

3. Sarah Lawrence College — This private, liberal arts college in Bronxville, NY is no surprise to the list. At one time SLC was the most expensive college but tuition is now about $1800 less than GW.

4. Kenyon College — Located 45 miles outside of Columbus, OH in Gambier, this college of 1700 students finished a few dollars behind SLC.

5. Vassar College — Once one of the “seven sisters” to the Ivy Colleges, co-ed Vassar is the most expensive of the lot with tuition of $36,020 per year. The school is located in Poughkeepsie, NY.

6. Bucknell University — Lewisburg, PA is the home for Bucknell, a school where only one in ten applicants attends.

7. Bennington College — With less than 600 undergrads in attendance, Bennington offers an intimate atmosphere to go with its bucolic setting and high price.

8. Columbia University — One and only one Ivy school made the list, with Columbia students pay just over $35,000 annually. A New York City location likely adds to the cost, despite a huge endowment fund.

9. Wesleyan University — The Middletown, CT school is expanding and recruiting heavily outside of its New England base.

10. Trinity College — One one in ten applicants attends Trinity, located on a suburban type campus in Hartford, CT.

As you may have surmised, all ten colleges have one thing in common — they are located in the northeastern US. Sure, you could make a case for Richmond or George Washington not being in the northeast, but they are still in part of a high-priced geographical territory when it comes to higher education.

Oh, by the way — board and other expenses were not included, adding as much as ten thousand dollars annually to tuition costs.


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