Tag "jobs"

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Career Planning

The Best High-Paying Creative Jobs To Pursue

When art is your passion, finding a job that supports your financial needs can be a challenge. Read about the best high-paying creative jobs here.

Campus Life

How to Start Balancing Between Work and College Studies

With the escalating cost of college education together with the student loans, being a student and having a side hustle has become a common trend. As a matter of fact, being jobless in college is considered odd.


How to Balance Your Life in College: School Work, Jobs, Personal Life

More commentary from a college friend of mine. It would be wise to follow his advice:

Social Networking

7 Facebook Mistakes College Students Make

How NOT to mess up your social media presence. Facebook now has 1 billion global users and is a behemoth that has transitioned to public ownership.

Career Planning

Georgetown University: College Majors, Unemployment, and Earnings

If you’re in college and have yet to declare your major or if you have already declared a major and you wonder what types of jobs are in the offing once you graduate, the latest Georgetown University report should be of interest to you.

College Training

Sage Advice for Snagging a Summer Internship

Your academic progress is certainly important to recruiters, but they want to see something else. Namely, real life experience. That experience can be hard to come by, unless you are willing to work as an intern.

Career Planning

7 Good Paying Jobs That Only Require an Associate Degree

Not every college-bound student must purse a bachelor’s degree. There are quite a few jobs that require no more than an associate degree and still pay quite well.

Career Planning

Career Choice: Logistics Analysts

Logistics analysts are also known as supply chain analysts or global logistics analysts. These professionals are tasked with analyzing product delivery or supply chain processes in a bid to identify as well as recommend changes.

Personal Advice

Don’t Quit School: Businesses You Can Launch on the Side

You have a regular job or attend school, but have always dreamed about launching a business on the side. Like many budding entrepreneurs, you’re not about to quit your day job.

Education Tips

Last Minute Tips for Summer Internships

Most colleges and universities have let out for the summer. That means students are already engaged in the pursuits they had planned for the season.

Campus News

Report Shows the Economic Benefit of Community Colleges

America’s community colleges are two-year public schools and are often not fully appreciated for what they do. Community colleges prepare Americans for work, by offering certificate programs and associate degrees that can lead to a whole range of jobs.

Career Planning

I Can’t Find Work: Now What?!

With a degree in hand you’re ready to take on the world. Trouble is, the world is not supplying the job you thought was waiting for you. Instead, your chosen field has dried up and the only job openings will come about when someone retires or new positions are created.