Searching for a Job After Getting Your Degree
After three or more years at University, you may be desperate to get out in the big wide world and finally get a job. On the other hand, you may feel overwhelmed with the prospect and think that you’d prefer another few months in the comfort of your student digs.
HS College Planning Tips: for week of June 28
Money earned during the summer can be used for tuition, housing, transportation and fun entertainment
Helpful Credit Card Application Tips for College Students
Credit cards are quite expensive, and you should take your time before applying for them. It is a smart idea to review and compare different offers prior to making the application.
How to Become Best Friends with Your Roomate
Moving into college for the first time can be a real nerve wrecker. Having to move away from your friends and family for the first time, the financial burden of student loans, and the most underrated nerve wrecker for a new college student – living with someone they barely know, in a place they hardly know, for a whole year.
HS College Planning Tips: for week of June 21
Money earned during the summer can be used for tuition, housing, transportation and fun entertainment.
PC supports the windows operating system while a Mac could support both Mac and a windows operating system.
4 Steps to Getting a College Football Scholarship
The cost of college education has really gone up in the last few years, and your parents must be losing sleep over the prospect of paying around $30,000 + semester for a non-state school. Even if you get selected for a state school, the fees will not be less than $15,000.
Training for Your Cycling Tour Sans Bike
Training for long distance biking clearly involves spending extensive amounts of quality time on your two wheeled best friend.
Pros and Cons of Being in a Fraternity or Sorority
Pros and cons of the GreekSome people are born into fraternity and sorority life, knowing that when they get to college, they’re going to be a part of Greek life on their campus.
HS College Planning Guide: week of June 14
Let’s talk about wheels . . . how are you getting around campus?
The Institutions Behind America’s Collegiate Sports Success
The American collegiate sports system is by far the most advanced and effective throughout the world. This feat has been accomplished mainly by the interplay and contributions of several institutions.
How to Be A Better Critical Thinker in College
When you’re in college, your goal should be to become a more well-rounded person. One of the best ways to do this is to become a better critical thinker as a student.