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Career Planning

Increasing Your Productivity At The Workplace – Important Tips For Every College Graduate

As a college graduate, how can you ensure you are as productive as possible every day at work? The following simple tips can help increase your productivity and change your life for the better.

Social Networking

7 Facebook Mistakes College Students Make

How NOT to mess up your social media presence. Facebook now has 1 billion global users and is a behemoth that has transitioned to public ownership.

Personal Advice

Beyond College: Your Road to Success

Soon, your college years will be over. And that means you will be entering the workforce and pursuing the career you have longed to realize.

Personal Advice

Tips for Finding Part-Time Work On and Off Campus

If you are pinching pennies or otherwise counting every dime, then you have very little money to meet your needs. Moreover, if ramen noodles is your diet of necessity and not of choice, then you really are pinched, aren’t you?

Personal Advice

7 Things to Do While on Christmas Break

Your term paper is finished and your exams will be over before you know it. Soon, you’ll be making the long trek back home for a well-deserved break.

Career Planning

Career Choice: Medical Assistants

Visit any doctor’s office and you may be met by a team of medical professionals before you see your physician.

Career Planning

Career Choice: Choreographers

The fine arts plays an important role in society. We have movies, plays, dances and other forms of entertainment that can inspire and uplift the world.

Career Planning

Public Sector Jobs and the College Grad

If you are a recent college graduate or will soon be receiving your degree, you understand that the job market is a challenging one. No longer is there an ample supply of jobs for new graduates.

Career Planning

Career Choice: Logistics Analysts

Logistics analysts are also known as supply chain analysts or global logistics analysts. These professionals are tasked with analyzing product delivery or supply chain processes in a bid to identify as well as recommend changes.

Personal Advice

Making Money and the College Student

Stories about impoverished college students abound. Typically, the narrative goes something like this: students have barely enough money to pay for tuition, fees and books, with perhaps just enough money left over to subsist on Ramen noodles.

Personal Advice

Don’t Quit School: Businesses You Can Launch on the Side

You have a regular job or attend school, but have always dreamed about launching a business on the side. Like many budding entrepreneurs, you’re not about to quit your day job.

Education Tips

Last Minute Tips for Summer Internships

Most colleges and universities have let out for the summer. That means students are already engaged in the pursuits they had planned for the season.