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College Planning

College Classes – Know What You Need to Take

One thing college students often do is blindly take the classes everyone else says they should take, or just what they want to take, not having a clear path in mind. Often they just listen to their advisers.

College Planning

HS College Planning Tips: for week of Aug 30

It’s time for high school seniors to review your college search and narrow your selection down to those schools that meet your career objectives. Meet with your school’s guidance counselor to discuss your decision.


The Dark Side of Technology in College Life

College is not a place for just another student life, but a final step before you choose a career for your life. So it is important that you make the most of this time as it is the golden opportunity to make your future life a better one.

College Living

Moving Out: List of Necessary Items for College Students

News about enrolling for a college usually brings about a lot of excitement. It is important that students about to join college be aware of the necessary items that they would require for use at the college.

Campus News

Why You Should Write for Your College Newspaper

You’ve probably heard that getting involved in campus activities is recommended by career experts as a way to impress employers. It’s true that campus involvement teaches students a number of skills that hiring professionals seek among applicants.

Study Tips

8 Study tips to Help You Ace Your Upcoming Exam

You have set your mind to ace your next exams with straight A’s. You have your study material ready. But then you don’t know how to start.

College Planning

HS College Planning Tips: for week of Aug 23

Have your made any "after high school" plans such as college or other high education?

Book Reviews

Gearing Up For College? Here Are 5 Books You Better Read

Chances are if someone hands you a Charles Dickens novel and asks you to go through it, you will fall sick. Believe me, for most college-goers this is a scenario of “been there, done that.”

Personal Advice

Older College Student? Take A Deep Breath, It’s Going to be Okay

This is it, you have decided to take that big leap and go off to college. However, there’s a catch – you’re not as young as your peers. You’ve already been through most of what they have done.


15 Reasons Why Every College Student Needs to buy a Tablet Computer

Tablet computers have become very popular in the whole world. This is because they have certain advantages over laptops and desk top computers.

Personal Advice

A Lazy Person’s 3 Tips for College Success

Typically, words like “exams” and “studying” go hand in hand. This is as true now as it was ten years ago when I was working towards my B.A.

College Living

4 Major Reasons Why You Should go to a Big State School

This post contains the story and viewpoints of one of my close friends, who shared this with me. I am sharing this because I feel that it can be worth taking his viewpoints into consideration.