Many college students generally overload themselves. When attending college, success is usually the end goal. The only hard part, for most, is getting there. A few key tips can make a difference in one’s college career, and it’s generally an easy plan to follow.
For the best college results, one should account for the following: school workload, job workload, and personal time. This a not the only way to prevail, but through my time in college it seems to work out well.
1. School Workload
In college, different majors require different amounts of work to be carried out. Regardless of the major, a dedicated amount of time should be given to that study. If someone is majoring in a field that requires a lot of papers and school work to be done at home, that should be accounted for.
Homework is not to kill you, it’s to help you. The amount of time someone should dedicate to study is based solely on the way they function. For some, it may take more time than others, but everyone has a healthy medium. Too much school work in to little time, can result in failure, and it has happened to myself.
In order to succeed as a student, a well thought out schedule is needed to complete the work in time. Time is the biggest trial of life, and enough needs to be dedicated to school in order to pass, and move on.
2. Jobs
Jobs in college can be very tricky. A large number of students who attend college, are generally working part time as well. When it comes to budgeting time, school needs to be considered. It is understandable that the more work hours you put in, the more you get paid, but as a college student you have other priorities.
As a college student, working can be great, but a downfall. I have found over my past two years of study, that twenty five hours a week is a manageable amount of time. At minimum wage, twenty five hours a week is also enough to get by on basic needs, and even a few personal wants. This may not be the best model or workload for everyone, but for the many it does the trick.
For example, I made around one hundred and fifty dollars a week, at twenty hours. This was enough for me to fill my car with gas, pay my bills, and also have some fun on the weekends. It was also not to much work, so I was able to finish up homework for the week with low stress. This may not be ideal for everyone, so adjust depending on your own needs.
3. Personal Time
As a young adult, or adult attending college, personal time is needed to remain sane. Many students overload themselves with too much work, and end up not having any time dedicated to themselves. This is almost guaranteed to make someone go crazy.
College, for most, is a time to grow as a student, but also as a person. In order to grow as a person, enough time needs to be given to your personal desires. In my time at school, I have seen people go down a bad path.
Students would dedicate so much time to work and school, that by the end of the week they were fried. This is a terrible way to go though college. This basically makes it impossible to meet new people, have fun, and figure out who you really are. If not enough time is given to one’s self, they will generally crumble before they finish their educational career.
College is a doorway to success, but it shouldn’t be the death of you. Everyone should take the two to ten years of school to figure out who they are, and what they want to do. A good amount of time needs to be dedicated to school, to work, and to personal time, in order to succeed. To much of one, or the other, can lead to failure.
This message can hopefully save a large number of college students, so please spread the word, and help save another student from destruction. If you’re reading this for help, help someone else.
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How to Balance Your Life in College: School Work, Jobs, Personal Life
More commentary from a college friend of mine. It would be wise to follow his advice:
Many college students generally overload themselves. When attending college, success is usually the end goal. The only hard part, for most, is getting there. A few key tips can make a difference in one’s college career, and it’s generally an easy plan to follow.
For the best college results, one should account for the following: school workload, job workload, and personal time. This a not the only way to prevail, but through my time in college it seems to work out well.
1. School Workload
In college, different majors require different amounts of work to be carried out. Regardless of the major, a dedicated amount of time should be given to that study. If someone is majoring in a field that requires a lot of papers and school work to be done at home, that should be accounted for.
Homework is not to kill you, it’s to help you. The amount of time someone should dedicate to study is based solely on the way they function. For some, it may take more time than others, but everyone has a healthy medium. Too much school work in to little time, can result in failure, and it has happened to myself.
In order to succeed as a student, a well thought out schedule is needed to complete the work in time. Time is the biggest trial of life, and enough needs to be dedicated to school in order to pass, and move on.
2. Jobs
Jobs in college can be very tricky. A large number of students who attend college, are generally working part time as well. When it comes to budgeting time, school needs to be considered. It is understandable that the more work hours you put in, the more you get paid, but as a college student you have other priorities.
As a college student, working can be great, but a downfall. I have found over my past two years of study, that twenty five hours a week is a manageable amount of time. At minimum wage, twenty five hours a week is also enough to get by on basic needs, and even a few personal wants. This may not be the best model or workload for everyone, but for the many it does the trick.
For example, I made around one hundred and fifty dollars a week, at twenty hours. This was enough for me to fill my car with gas, pay my bills, and also have some fun on the weekends. It was also not to much work, so I was able to finish up homework for the week with low stress. This may not be ideal for everyone, so adjust depending on your own needs.
3. Personal Time
As a young adult, or adult attending college, personal time is needed to remain sane. Many students overload themselves with too much work, and end up not having any time dedicated to themselves. This is almost guaranteed to make someone go crazy.
College, for most, is a time to grow as a student, but also as a person. In order to grow as a person, enough time needs to be given to your personal desires. In my time at school, I have seen people go down a bad path.
Students would dedicate so much time to work and school, that by the end of the week they were fried. This is a terrible way to go though college. This basically makes it impossible to meet new people, have fun, and figure out who you really are. If not enough time is given to one’s self, they will generally crumble before they finish their educational career.
College is a doorway to success, but it shouldn’t be the death of you. Everyone should take the two to ten years of school to figure out who they are, and what they want to do. A good amount of time needs to be dedicated to school, to work, and to personal time, in order to succeed. To much of one, or the other, can lead to failure.
This message can hopefully save a large number of college students, so please spread the word, and help save another student from destruction. If you’re reading this for help, help someone else.
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