How to Get a More Personalized and Meaningful College Experience
When you think about college or university classes. it’s only normal to picture a lecture hall full of students with the professor speaking into a microphone just to be heard at the back of the room.
4 Easy Ways to Earn Money Online as a Student
Education is getting expensive nowadays. So, there are many students who are looking for jobs in different places. But working along with studies can be difficult.
Identifying your Individual Learning Style as a College Student
Professors cannot teach everything in class. Therefore, students have to cover the rest on their own during their private studies.
The Pros and Cons of Living On or Off-Campus
Most students take college life as easy and fun, but without making responsible decisions it can be very challenging. One of the most important decisions to make is about accommodation.
How to Improve Your Chances of Winning College Scholarships
Different organizations and individuals award student scholarships for various reasons. They aim at talented students or those in need of financial aid.
How to Avoid Procrastination in College in 10 Simple Steps
Procrastination is a common thing among many college students. It is so funny that they all know what to do, they just don’t want to do it.
SL Account Management Team Assists With Student Loans
More and more Americans are struggling to get out from under the weight of crippling student debt. With the recent downturn in the economy, more people turned to getting an education as a means of securing a themselves a brighter future and gainful employment.
5 Awesome Work-Study Jobs for College Students
Getting some work-study jobs under your belt while you do a college program is an amazing way to put something good on your resume. In fact, it is recommended by the Department of Education.
What are the Pros and Cons of Part Time Learning?
Many high school leavers look forward to enrolling for courses in different colleges as full time students. This is what is expected of somebody’s educational trend.
Going Away for School? 4 Essential Items for a Complete Kitchen
If you’re going away for school, you have probably heard of the Freshman 15 phenomenon, which refers to the amount of weight typically gained by students in their first year of college.