Bad Habits To Be Aware Of in Puppies

Bad Habits To Be Aware Of in Puppies
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    College is a pivotal point in a person's life.

    They start defining who they are, making their own life decisions, and take on more responsibilities.


That’s why many college students end up getting a dog once they move into their own apartment.

If you’re finding yourself in that situation and haven’t owned a dog before, there are quite a few things you should know, especially if you end up going with a younger pup.  If that is the route you end up taking, then you should keep reading our list of bad habits to be aware of in puppies.

Barking All the Time

New dogs seem to bark at everything, whether it’s because someone’s at the door, people are passing by outside, or they just want attention. Regardless of the reason, you and your neighbors are certainly going to get annoyed by it.

Therefore, you need to train your dog to bark less. After you figure out what is causing the barking, there will be specific things you can do to stop it.

The universal way is to calmly tell them to be quiet. Yelling usually only makes them louder, so keeping your voice down will hopefully help them do the same.

Chewing On Everything

In the same way babies do, puppies like to chew on everything in sight. This is a critical bad habit to be aware of in puppies for two main reasons:

  1. Dogs who aren’t broken of this trait will likely keep doing it for the rest of their lives.
  2. You likely don’t own everything in your apartment, so you don’t want them ruining something that belongs to your roommate or landlord.

If your puppy is guilty of this habit, make sure you buy them plenty of chew toys. Many dogs like to chew on their beds, so leaving a toy in it will give them something else to chew on. If that doesn’t work, there are other methods of stopping them from chewing on their bed.

If you ever catch your dog chewing on a shoe or something else that’s more portable, never chase them down for it. They will think that you’re trying to play with them.

Instead, make a loud noise to interrupt them or tell them to come to you. After that, trade them for thing that they’re chewing on with a toy or treat. Over time, this will stop them from destroying your stuff.

Jumping On Furniture and People

Young dogs also seem to love jumping on everything they’re not supposed to, whether it’s expensive furniture or your guests that come over. The furniture one is particularly a problem when your apartment comes furnished.

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Any damages they cause will be coming out of your pocket. Also, jumping on your guests is cute when they’re young, but it will become more of a problem once they get bigger, which is why it’s good to break the habit right away.

The best way to stop them from doing either of these is by teaching them the commands “down” and “sit.” If they learn these, it should be easy to stop them before things get out of hand.

If not, forcing them off of people and furniture will eventually teach them that they should not be doing those things. If you need to, put them in their crate.

Image Credit: bad habits to be aware of in puppies by Pixabay

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College Campus reference:

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Categories: Personal Advice