It doesn’t mean all hope is lost if you are off to a bad start. With these smart tips, you can make living with a roommate fun and stress-free.
You won’t have to worry about household chores and finances as much when you organize them together. And by being friendly and kind to your roommate, you will have a good relationship.
All in all, these tips will help you survive your college years when sharing your space with a roommate. You will easily create pleasant memories during college when you live with a roommate you can always compromise with.
Living with a college roommate can be easy when you keep the space clean
With college assignments and tests, keeping your space clean can be challenging. It’s easy to accumulate mess when your mind is focused on studying and achieving good results.
As a college roommate, you want to do everything you can to keep you both happy. Having a clean shared space is the best way to achieve this.
The truth is, there will be situations when you just don’t have the time or energy to clean. But these situations won’t be as noticeable if you do your housework regularly.
Your roommate will appreciate that you clean whenever you can. Therefore, they won’t mind helping you with the cleaning when you have a test coming up.
And you can return the favor when your roommate is in need of help with the housework, too. In the end, you will know that you are both doing your best to have a clean space.
Determine what is shared and what isn’t
One of the most common issues college roommates face is arguing over sharing things. This can include items such as kitchenware, food, storage space, and so on. But you can prevent these situations by planning ahead.
Before you move in or in the first few days, discuss the issue of sharing things. It’s better to discuss these issues now rather than later.
Before you move in with your roommate, contact them if you can. You can talk about the items you don’t need two of, such as a mini-fridge or shelving. When you organize a list of who will bring which item, you won’t risk taking up space unnecessarily.
You can speed up the packing process by creating this list. It will make the process simple for both of you. And you’ll be able to concentrate on the more essential aspects of moving away for college.
Organize your chores and expenses together
Without a schedule, it’s challenging to keep track of who did which household chore. You can divide the duties with a calendar.
Firstly, determine what needs to be done and how often. Next up, designate a certain day for each task. For example, you can grocery shop every Friday for items you use.
Write down who did each task and when, and the chores will be divided equally. There won’t be a risk of one person doing all the work.
As for grocery shopping, there will be certain items you will both use. You can purchase these items together and save storage space.
In order for the money to be spent equally by both people, there is an easy hack. Take one jar and put an equal amount of money in it every week. You can spend this money on things you both need, such as dishwashing liquid.
Communicate with each other
Communicating is the best way to stay on good terms with your roommate. Whenever you notice something you disagree with, speak up. It’s much easier to solve problems once they arise than to wait before tackling them.
Good communication is truly the key to having a good relationship with your roommate. Every issue will be solved much more easily when you both listen to each other carefully.
But communication doesn’t have to involve just trying to solve problems. You can also talk about nice topics, such as upgrading the space you live in together. After a while, you will both want to redecorate and change things up a little.
Communicating and working together will help you create a space you will both study and feel comfortable. After a while, you will find it easy to tackle more significant problems together.
Be friendly and kind to your roommate
Living with a college roommate doesn’t mean you have to be friends. But being friendly takes little effort and can make a big difference overall.
It is easy to be kind, especially to someone you share space with. You will feel more comfortable when you know a little more about the person you share space with daily. After a while, you can learn a lot more about your roommate, including their likes and dislikes.
There may be some habits that they find annoying but are too shy to mention to you. Being friendly and comfortable with each other will help you discuss these issues more efficiently.
It will be much easier to compromise when you put effort into getting to know your roommate. Plus, you may actually become friends after a while. This can improve the experience of living with a roommate.
In summary
Being a good roommate in college takes effort from both roommates. You will have to communicate with each other about the problems you are facing. Being friendly and willing to compromise is the key to being a good college roommate.
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Following our simple advice will help you immensely during your college years. You may even make friends with your roommate as well. It’s all about understanding each other and doing your best to be a good roommate.
In the end, living with a college roommate doesn’t have to be a hassle. And with these easy and smart tips, it can even be enjoyable and fun.
Image Credit: smart tips for living with a college roommate by
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