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College Living

How to Treat Friendships in College Life

Friendships are one of the most beautiful things in life. And college is not different.

Campus Life

The Most Important Do’s and Don’ts of Your Freshman Year

Everyone by now should be settling into their fall semesters. And for freshmen, this can literally be the most overwhelming thing that you have experienced.

Social Networking

The Best Way to Make Your College Experience Memorable

Some people remember college very well, but some people have little or no fond memories of their college experience. So what is the common denominator in all of this? The people we meet (or don’t meet).

College Living

Tips and Tricks for Non-Traditional College Students – Part 2

Going to college can be an intimidating prospect for anyone, but the task can seem far more complex for a non-traditional student…


7 Reasons Why You Should Transfer Colleges

Your college years will go by quickly, especially if you intend to complete your undergraduate studies within four years.

College Living

What Changes Students Will Face While Attending College

Your academic pursuits represent the cornerstone of what college will mean to you. Though very important, academics isn’t the only thing that will shape your college experience — you and the people you know will also change and in ways you might not have considered previously.

Personal Advice

What You Need to Know About College Graduation Announcements

Graduating from college is a big deal — for you, for your parents as well as for your extended family and friends. Many people probably know that you’re about to graduate, but without a formal announcement they may miss that information.

Personal Advice

College: Don’t Go It Alone

The transition from high school to college is not always a smooth one. Quite frankly, leaving the secure and known environment of home and stepping into the greater world can be eye-opening, even quite unnerving.

Personal Advice

4 Summer Tips For Rising College Freshmen

College-bound freshmen are about to embark on one of the most important transitions of their lives. They’ll be going from required secondary learning to their higher, but optional education.

NCAA Football

7 Fab Football Fan Tips

You’ve checked the sports schedule and see that your school’s football team is at home this weekend for an important Saturday evening contest.

Campus News Technology

Mashable Contends Facebook Fury Remains

Tweet Is more grief heading Facebook’s way? Last week, Facebook announced changes to its amazingly popular social networking platform in response to flak it has been receiving from privacy and