Over the past four decades or so, graduating high school students have been encouraged to continue with their education by attending a college of their choice. For some, this was the right decision as their college years allowed them to acquire fresh new skills that they wouldn’t have otherwise received had they not continued with their studies.
But, for other students college has proven to be a big mistake as they either did not have the interest or discipline to continue with their schooling.
Perhaps it seems odd for a college site such as this one to even discuss not attending college. Like I said, it is clear that going for a four year degree isn’t for everyone. Then again, some sort of education beyond high school can pay off in big dividends, which is the point of this article.
Alternatives to a Four Year Degree
If you don’t go to school for a full four years, then can anything less than that still provide a living? Absolutely. In fact, our nation’s community colleges are bursting at the seams as they are proven places for returning students to acquire new skills especially as they find that their current career paths are no longer viable.
Community colleges (called Technical Colleges or even Junior Colleges in some locales) offer an associate’s degree to the student who completes a two-year regimen in their particular field. Most public four-year colleges accept transferring students who successfully complete their studies, but many students choose not to continue with their education.
Licensed Practical Nurse, Fire Science & Other Career Paths
These same schools also offer a number of different programs which do not lead to an associate’s degree. One-year specialty programs leading to a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) degree is one such certificate offered while courses in Culinary Arts, Child Development and Fire Science may also be offered at some community colleges.
Vocational schools have always been a popular option for students who want to “try before they buy” when it comes to post high school education. These schools offer classes which lead to certification as auto mechanics, hair stylists, dental hygienists, graphic designers and more.
Also known as Vo-Tech schools, many of the better ones have kept up with the times, updating their curriculum and including programs that didn’t exist a generation ago including internet technology, personal computer repair, information technology and more.
Dedicated Specialty Schools
Though considered technical or vocational by many, various Specialty Schools still exist, schools which offer specific training for one career option. These schools include: truck driver training, floral design, beautician, electrician, plumber and so on.
Many of these same courses are also taught at community colleges which are often better funded and have a degree option. Still, long established schools with a rock solid reputation are often favorite places for students to attend.
Finally, a big reason why some spurn college is because of its cost. True, scholarships, aid and other assistance programs can help out, but when all that you need is a few courses under your belt, you can be on your way to a new career in no time.
Adv. — Are you looking to explore your post high school opti0ns? Let SayStudent.com guide you as you consider your options. Don’t let the cost of attending community college or vocational school keep you from your dreams — you still have financing options which can help you realize your goals.
Amazon Affiliate Disclosure: SayCampusLife.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. The commission earnings are used to defray our cost of operation.
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Skip College? Good Advice For Some.
Over the past four decades or so, graduating high school students have been encouraged to continue with their education by attending a college of their choice. For some, this was the right decision as their college years allowed them to acquire fresh new skills that they wouldn’t have otherwise received had they not continued with their studies.
Perhaps it seems odd for a college site such as this one to even discuss not attending college. Like I said, it is clear that going for a four year degree isn’t for everyone. Then again, some sort of education beyond high school can pay off in big dividends, which is the point of this article.
Alternatives to a Four Year Degree
If you don’t go to school for a full four years, then can anything less than that still provide a living? Absolutely. In fact, our nation’s community colleges are bursting at the seams as they are proven places for returning students to acquire new skills especially as they find that their current career paths are no longer viable.
Community colleges (called Technical Colleges or even Junior Colleges in some locales) offer an associate’s degree to the student who completes a two-year regimen in their particular field. Most public four-year colleges accept transferring students who successfully complete their studies, but many students choose not to continue with their education.
Licensed Practical Nurse, Fire Science & Other Career Paths
These same schools also offer a number of different programs which do not lead to an associate’s degree. One-year specialty programs leading to a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) degree is one such certificate offered while courses in Culinary Arts, Child Development and Fire Science may also be offered at some community colleges.
Vocational schools have always been a popular option for students who want to “try before they buy” when it comes to post high school education. These schools offer classes which lead to certification as auto mechanics, hair stylists, dental hygienists, graphic designers and more.
Also known as Vo-Tech schools, many of the better ones have kept up with the times, updating their curriculum and including programs that didn’t exist a generation ago including internet technology, personal computer repair, information technology and more.
Dedicated Specialty Schools
Though considered technical or vocational by many, various Specialty Schools still exist, schools which offer specific training for one career option. These schools include: truck driver training, floral design, beautician, electrician, plumber and so on.
Many of these same courses are also taught at community colleges which are often better funded and have a degree option. Still, long established schools with a rock solid reputation are often favorite places for students to attend.
Finally, a big reason why some spurn college is because of its cost. True, scholarships, aid and other assistance programs can help out, but when all that you need is a few courses under your belt, you can be on your way to a new career in no time.
Adv. — Are you looking to explore your post high school opti0ns? Let SayStudent.com guide you as you consider your options. Don’t let the cost of attending community college or vocational school keep you from your dreams — you still have financing options which can help you realize your goals.
Photo Credit: Tania Matvienko
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Amazon Affiliate Disclosure: SayCampusLife.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. The commission earnings are used to defray our cost of operation.
View our FTC Disclosure for other affiliate information.