Making Your College Dorm Like Home

Making Your College Dorm Like Home
  • Opening Intro -

    Do you ever have that feeling of walking into a stranger's space when you go into your dorm room?

    I know that feeling. But once I started decorating it and adding a few pieces, I started to feel like it was more of a home than a temporary space.


I’ve realized it’s extremely important to feel like your dorm room is home. Even a temporary one. It makes you feel more relaxed, less stressed and you even begin to sleep better.

But how do you add things that to create that type of experience?

1) Have a space for each of your needs.

Whether you need an area for studying, an area to sit and relax, or an area to sleep, make sure you are meeting your own needs. Having separate areas for these activities can expand the space and make you feel less confined. RHL Dorm Bedding is a great start to making your comfortable space.

2) Decorate with memorabilia.

Don’t be afraid to bring memories from home to your dorm room. While buying new decorations will be a lot of fun, bringing photos of friends from home to even a few family mementos can bring you a lot of happiness and security while being away.

3) Get the right lighting.

Yes, you need to get rid of that stark white hospital lighting that your dorm has. From decorative lamps to even a lamp with a timer, choosing lighting that warms the room instead of spotlights it like a bad detective movie, will give you help you to feel right at home (instead of feeling like you are being questioned about your alibi).

4) Hang curtains!

Yes, bring out your inner Martha Stewart. It’s time to get those curtains up. Most you can get for a very inexpensive price, too. But these added decorating details will complete your dorm’s style and your window won’t look so bare anymore.

5) Plan supplies ahead of time with your roommate.

Make sure to get in touch with your roommate ahead of time to talk about any supplies either one of you are taking. Whether it’s a coffee maker, a mini fridge, or microwave, you want to make sure you aren’t taking duplicates of the bigger ticket items for your space.

As you can see, it’s entirely possible to make that blank square box called your dorm, a comfortable space you can call home.


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Categories: College Living