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Career Planning

4 Features to Look for in a Nursing School

Nothing is more exciting than browsing potential colleges and trying to figure out which one is right for you. This can be challenging, but it is easier if you know what you are planning on doing and what kind of school you want to go to.

College Living

The Complete College Survival Guide (Part 3/3)

Your college years can be both daunting and exhilarating. After all, these years are crucial for defining your career goals and success in the future. (part 3)

College Living

The Complete College Survival Guide (Part 2/3)

Your college years can be both daunting and exhilarating. After all, these years are crucial for defining your career goals and success in the future. Studies have shown that instilling healthy study habits have a huge impact on students’ careers in the future. (part 2)

College Living

The Complete College Survival Guide (Part 1/3)

Your college years can be both daunting and exhilarating. After all, these years are crucial for defining your career goals and success in the future. (part 1)

Personal Advice

What to do After College – Job, Vacation, Travel, Improve, Have Fun?

You’ve done your drinking, your smoking up, your studying (maybe not as much), your dating, and now your days of having fun are over. 4 years of college gone in a flash.

College Living

5 Useful Job Skills You Learn While In College

There are some things you will learn in school that you will use for the rest of your life. Maybe it’s not things you learn from a class you take.

Campus Life

Facts vs Myths: 3 Lies You Have Been Told About What Awaits in College

High School teachers – God bless them – love to share advice. A favorite topic amongst them, especially with high school seniors, revolves around college and how it will be a complete opposite of what life in high school is.

Money Tips

How to Make Extra Money on the Side in College With Blogging

College will be the most exciting period in your life. It can get a bit expensive though. There are so many things to pay for. However, there are ways to make extra money on the side.

Education Tips

How To Take Notes Effectively in College (Part 2/2)

Tweet Continue from Part 1: taking notes effectively #3 Develop a Note-taking Method That Works for You. Most of the people that take notes on a regular basis cannot read

Education Tips

How To Take Notes Effectively in College (Part 1/2)

Tweet You do not have to work in a big company or to be a student in order to take notes. Notes are helpful even in informal situations like writing

Student Loans

4 Interesting Facts about Student Loan Debt in the U.S.

Pew Research Center analyzed data from the Survey of Household Economics and Decision making done by the Federal Reserve in 2016 and came up with the following facts about student loans in America.

Job Search

Top 7 Ways for College Students to Prepare for the Job Market

Most students take college as a place of freedom and fun. In fact, some get so caught up in the parties that they forget why they joined college in the first place.