Fear not. You can add some fun to your college stay, whether it’s your first year or you’re about to earn your degree.
College is all about experiences and starting your own life. If you want adventure to be a part of your life in the future, you have to develop the habit now!
Here are a few ideas to get you on the road to a more adventurous semester:
Find a Job or Internship
When you go to college, most of your day is spent on campus. This can make your world seem a bit small. Open up your world and find new experiences that get you out of the college scene.
An internship or part-time job can help you learn new skills and get you out off campus. You will meet a whole new group of people who think different thoughts and lead different lives.
People, places, and opportunities can fill a life with plenty of adventure, even while attending college.
Explore the College Town
If you are attending college outside of your hometown, you are already having an adventure! When you arrive, find out what the locals do.
One thing most college students love to do is to eat. They need all that food for the brainpower their late-night studying requires. Why not find the best eating spots in your college town?
While you explore, take the time to meet new people. You’ll likely discover hidden gems that you can go back to and share with your college friends.
Join a Group
For some, college can be a lonely time. They’ve moved away from home. They miss their family and friends.
One way to overcome this is to join a group. Whether it’s a sports team, debate team, or dance team, you’ll enjoy being a part of something bigger than yourself. It will keep you busy, give you a sense of belonging, and you’ll make lots of new friends.
If you aren’t a competitive person, you can still join a group. There are plenty of college clubs that you can sign up for, some of which are just for fun and some are based around a cause.
Go Away for a Semester
If you want to add a little adventure to your studying, traveling will certainly do the trick. Most colleges offer semester-long study abroad programs.
Imagine immersing yourself in a culture you’ve never experienced. Every day will feel new, and you’ll learn so much that your professors can’t teach.
This quote by the Moroccan explorer Ibn Battuta sums it up nicely:
“Traveling — it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.”
Take Adventurous Classes
Most students just want to finish their classes and get out. But your college has much more to offer than what is on your suggested and required credits.
Not all of your classes have to be in your major. You have the right to take a class that is just for you.
Maybe it’s something you’ve always wanted to learn or something you’ve just recently gotten interested in. It could be dance, art, robotics, or whatever!
Enjoy the Outdoors
When you start feeling like the walls of your dorm room are caving in, it’s time for you to take your books or laptop and head outside. Just a change in scenery can be a good refreshment.
The great outdoors will never disappoint — unless it starts a torrential downpour, but even then, some of the most unexpected things can happen. A little spontaneity is always an adventure.
When you have all your studying done, you should find outdoor places to visit nearby. Most college towns are big enough to have a good park, hiking spot, or lake to enjoy.
If not, you can take a weekend camping trip to the closest place that does. All it takes is a Google search or a conversation with the local Chamber of Commerce and you’ll have a list of possible places to visit.
The possibilities are endless when you put forth a little effort to find them.
Organize Field Trips
Taking charge and setting up an outing for others is a great way to fill your own college life with adventure.
On top of that, it will help you network with other students who enjoy adventure. Then you can feed off of each other’s adventurous energy.
If you do this regularly and make it a worthwhile endeavor, you can put it on your resume later to show your ability to lead, organize, and communicate well with others.
Where would you take these field trips, you ask? If you’ve followed the advice on the point above, you already have a list of outdoor spots that can be a destination.
Otherwise, you can visit museums, historical markers, and other points of interest in the area. This list of fun field trip ideas has a lot of good ones.
other valuable tips:
4 Fun Ways to Get Around Your College Campus This Fall
Tight On A Budget? 3 Fun Summer Activities That Are Still Fairly Affordable
College is a time that you should remember fondly for the rest of your life. It’s about discovering adulthood, meeting people, and getting to know yourself.
It would be a shame to look back on your college years and remember only boredom and stress. Don’t waste it cooped up in your tiny dorm.
Get out there and find your adventure!
Image Credit: by twenty20.com
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