Tag "advice"

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Student Health

Simple Ways That College Students Can Stay Energized

College students live busy lives that involve hours of study and research, work shifts, and spending time with their friends. Handling a bustling schedule can seem overwhelming at times, but managing your time is easy when your mind and body are in good shape.

College Living

How To Adopt Eco-Friendly Habits As a College Student

Every college student knows what it’s like to have a schedule that is overflowing with academic commitments, athletic events, and social gatherings. Balancing your personal life with your school life can be difficult to decipher at first.

Personal Advice

College Advice You Don’t Usually Hear…But Should (Part 2/2)

The advice listed here is some rarely discussed advice but is sure to get you started on a lifelong path of success and happiness.

Personal Advice

College Advice You Don’t Usually Hear … But Should (Part 1/2)

People in college are often swarmed with advice. Though it’s meant for your well-being, it could sometimes have the opposite effect.


College Advice That Remains Largely Unspoken

If you want to succeed at college, then following much of the tried and true advice you hear is wise. But that advice may not cover everything about college life, leaving you wondering if something unspoken should be said.

Personal Advice

First Year College Student: After the Euphoria Dies

The weeks leading up to your freshman orientation were filled with excitement. At orientation, you got a good feel for the school, met your roommate and began to make new friends.

Study Tips

How to Survive a Boring Class

You really didn’t think that every class you’re required to take in college would be a walk in the park, did you? Maybe among your chosen electives you thought you’d pick the winners, but every college requires students to take classes that they aren’t particularly fond of be that Microeconomics, Introduction to Polynesian History, or Visual Calculus.

Study Tips

7 Life Points for Today’s College Students

College is a big part of many young adults’ lives, but its importance sometimes is magnified at the expense of everything else. The four years or so you spend on campus will soon be over, leaving you prepared for the workforce.

Career Planning

College Career Fair Resume Advice

College seniors have an excellent employment seeking tool at their disposal: the college career office. Every school has one, a place where students can turn to for resume writing help, interview tips, job leads and more.

Personal Advice

Off to College: Settling In

Tweet Within the next few days you’ll be starting classes, buying books, reviewing the semester’s class requirements and meeting new friends. If you’re already settled in at college, then this

Personal Advice

7 Questions for College-Bound Students

Tweet SAT tests, college essays and campus visits are all part of the preparation for college. Enjoying one’s senior year of high school is also important, to create memories as

Social Networking

5 Ways to Increase Your Twitter Following

Tweet If you’re looking for way to increase your Twitter following without attracting spammers only, there are five steps you can take to ensure that you’re worth following: 1. Offer