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College Budgeting

7 College Tips – Easy Ways to Save Money as a College Student

In college, saving money might be the last thing you want to do, but start being responsible. Stop your unnecessary spending habits, keep the money, and spend it in a smart way.

College Budgeting

Cheap Ways for College Students To Have Fun With Friends

Tired of watching movies or studying together with your college friends? Here are some inexpensive ways to hang out with your friends and do something new.

Money Tips

5 Ways for College Students To Jumpstart a Healthy Financial Future

When you are in college, your primary focus is likely getting the GPA you want and preparing for your career. It’s also a good time to pick up great financial habits.

College Budgeting

5 Steps on How to Manage Your Finances in College

Money management is a crucial issue for many college students since most of them face a very tight budget.

College Budgeting

Budgeting in College – Why It Doesn’t Have to Suck (Part 2)

Let’s continue our discussion on how best to budget for college. Reducing costs is one of the best ways to stay within budget.


Top Five Financial Mistakes that College Students Make

In college, time seems to fly. One day you are a freshman, and before you know it, you are preparing for graduation. It is not until after graduation that the consequences of little things we did or did not do as students start showing up.

College Budgeting

Living on the Cheap in College – 6 Popular Methods That Work

While one of the most favored reasons to go to college is to earn a degree which will lead to a higher-paying career; most college students will find that they end up almost entirely broke during the time that they are in school.

College Living

9 Tips for Getting Through the First Year of College: Part 1/2

There are many tips for students to make them learn more, better manage their money and deal with social life. However, the worst part of the whole story of being a student may be the first week as a freshman.

College Budgeting

College Living: Have Control Over Your Expenses

The college expenses that you will incur will largely depend on your lifestyle choices. You can get the best out of college by simply saying on a limited budget…

College Budgeting

College Budgeting for Beginners – How to Spend Wisely

For any college student, it’s important that they live on a budget to avoid running into a cycle of debts. The key to being successful financially is being aware of how you spend your money and cutting off bad habits.

College Budgeting

Budgeting During College Days

College days are mostly remembered for friendship, gossip, coffee runs, last minute submissions and of course, no money. Everybody’s allowance definitely runs out even before the end of the month is in sight.

College Budgeting

The Ultimate Broke College Student Budgeting Guide

Are you a broke college student? If so then you are definitely not alone.