4 Tips for Managing Health as a College Freshman

4 Tips for Managing Health as a College Freshman
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    When describing college, very few people would list it as a time when they focused on their health.

    Between choosing a major, doing well in classes, working and socializing, many students have a lot to balance.


For some, college is the first taste of freedom they might have. Without a parent or guardian enforcing curfews or strict rules, some students may lose track of their priorities.

This can be where excessive partying comes into play. This is all pretty normal in college. However, keeping your health in check during college is highly beneficial.

Here are some simple ways to manage it while obtaining your degree.

1. Courses

College is a time to soak up all of the knowledge possible in your courses. Different types of credits are required for graduation to encourage learning a broad set of topics.

No matter your major, you can take a course in nutrition, wellness, anatomy or other health-related courses. These beginner’s courses are a great way to learn about how the body works, what a proper diet looks like, introduction to metabolic health and so much more.

This knowledge can give you a foundation for understanding your health, your body and how to establish a healthy lifestyle.

2. Workout

We have all heard of the “Freshman Fifteen.” This often noticeable weight gain can be impacted by unhealthy diets, poor eating habits, increased alcohol consumption, stress and more. Universities have recreational facilities for students to use.

These gyms often have cardio machines, weight equipment and group classes. Some have tracks, courts or swimming pools, too.

If you’re new to working out, start simple. A group exercise class, like Zumba, can be fun to try with some friends.

Physical activity plays an essential role in overall health. Build healthy habits by working out for at least half an hour multiple days each week.

Burning more calories than you consume daily will help you lose weight, whereas burning as many as you consume can help prevent you from packing on the “Freshman Fifteen.”

Exercise can also help decrease depression, stress and anxiety, making it a fantastic option for the days when you feel overwhelmed.

3. Campus Clinic

Your campus most likely has a student clinic that provides primary health services. Check its website or stop by to learn more precisely what they offer.

A physical can help you understand where your health stands. You can get seen when you aren’t feeling well and may even be able to get certain preventative screenings done. These clinics may also have other resources to help you learn more about your health and lifestyle choices.

Preventive care and screenings are a great way to stay in tune with your body, know your basic lab levels and so much more. Open lines of communication with your provider can help them detect and treat any problems early on before they become serious issues

4. Read

While you may not desire to pick up extra reading materials on top of your assigned reading, there are plenty of resources for learning more about your health. There are books on every topic you can think of, especially health-related topics.

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This health and wellness book list is perfect for some introductory and light reading on overall health. There are also blogs, websites and videos on the internet that can provide an abundance of material for you.

As with anything, be sure to vet your sources and choose high-quality references. Leading health establishments, such as Cleveland Clinic and Mayo Clinic, offer information on a wide variety of health topics through their websites and social media platforms.

Energy levels, focus, performance, brainpower and many other areas of our daily lives are impacted by our overall health. When we take care of our bodies and our minds, we are improving our health.

Do not take your good health for granted at a young age. Instead, use this time to learn more about health topics, your body and how to care for your body through diet, exercise, self-care and preventative medicine.

Image Credit: tips for managing health as a college student by twenty20.com

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Categories: Student Health